Sunday, January 22, 2012

North Shore of Kaua'i

Nikon D7000 Nikon 18-200 lens at 18mm. ISO 200, 1/400 sec @ f/8.0

After a couple days of rain, it was a perfect day for a helicopter ride. This is one of many images from the morning, and I will post more on my website and direct you there when it is ready.
Lovely scenery and a wonderful flying experience with the doors off to better enjoy the view. Aloha!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kaua'i Color

There is something about the quality of light and the vibrancy of color on this island. These two images were taken at the western edge of Kaua'i and are unedited. I used a polarizing filter, but otherwise this is how the eyes (and the camera) see the scenes. Interestingly, the 7000 acres of sugar cane are being converted to corn (although these rows are cane) to make ethanol, and the last cane processing facility was closed two years ago.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kauai Sunset

Nikon D7000, Nikon 10-24mm lens at 10mm, ISO 200, f/7.1@1/160 sec, manual exposure.
OK, perhaps this is unfair to those of you in somewhat more challenging weather environments, but hey, I am just trying to brighten your day. Actually, there have been Kona winds and a lot of clouds and some rain (I know, you feel sorry for us), but there was enough of a break at the end of the day yesterday to allow this image. I like it. I hope you do also.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Greenlake Sunrise

Nikon D7000, Nikon 18-200mm lens, f/4.2 at 1/60 sec ISO 800

Winter in Seattle often provides moments of sublime color amidst the often gray and overcast days. My wife Karin is the sunrise photography expert in our family, being an early morning rower, but this is my attempt to catch up with her wonderful work. We are off to Kauai for a week, so I hope to find some interesting posts.