Friday, April 27, 2012

Late afternoon indoor tulips

Nikon D700, Nikon 200 Micro lens. f/4.2 at 1/250 second, ISO 400.

The assignment for the week was to use natural lighting as it happened to appear. Seattle has been a bit dark and moist, but the sun came out late in the afternoon and provided some illumination through the kitchen window. Unfortunately the tripod was getting in the way of dinner preparation, but I was allowed enough time to get in a few shots. This is one of them. And yes, per usual, dinner was wonderful! I'm a lucky boy.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Olympics Breaking Forth

Nikon D700, Nikkor 16-35mm lens @ 24mm. ISO 200, f/11 @ 1/1000 SEC

I was heading off to work yesterday morning and happened to look West, and saw the early morning sun on the Olympics, with a dense cap of clouds overhead. I buzzed around the block and snapped off a few shots. This cropped image was from one of those pictures. Despite an unusually wet spring, this is still a pretty darn nice part of the world. Happy Easter!